Frank E. Malone Post 113

  Mount Horeb American Legion

Scholarship Program:  

The Mount Horeb American Legion Post 113 offers two $500 scholarships to Mount Horeb High School seniors every year.  One scholarship for a four year college bound student and one for a two year college bound student.  The scholarships are one time payouts of $500.   

Students receive their scholarship after providing proof that they have completed their first semester with a 3.0 or better GPA.  

Badger Boys and Badger Girls: ​

The Mount Horeb American Legion Post 113 sponsored 4 boys for Badger Boys State and 4 girls for Badger Girls State this year.  Badger Boys State is held at Ripon College and Badger Girls State is held on the campus of The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.  The American Legion Post 113 works directly with Mount Horeb High School Staff and Faculty to select Boys and Girls as delegates to Badger Boys and Girls State every year.  In November and December we provide the school the dates and the informational packets on the upcoming session.  In December and January selections are made for Badger Boys and Badger Girls State Delegates and Alternates.  By the end of January the Mount Horeb American Legion Post 113 has to submit $250 per delegate to reserve spots for delegates for the following summer session.  In February delegates fill out registration cards and in May they attend orientation meetings.  During the summer session Boys and Girls from across the state form functioning city, county, and state government.  They enact and enforce ordinances, create laws and hear cases in their newly formed judicial system.  The delegates learn more about the American government, develop friendships that last a lifetime and grow as leaders.  

veteran crisis line

Holiday Flag Program:  

Glaciers Edge - Thrivent started a program in Mount Horeb last year that allows people to pay for a subscription (4 holidays - $40) to get a flag in their yard for Memorial Day, Flag Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day.  This year the flags will be put out by the Mount Horeb American Legion Post 113, the Gymnastics Club, and the Boy Scouts.  The organizations place the flags in the yards near dawn and return in the evening to retrieve them. Click on the picture below to pull up the form to subscribe.

Gary E Smith Shooting Sports Program:
The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program is a gun safety, education and marksmanship program that provides the basic elements of safety, education, enjoyment and competition.  In addition, participants learn gun safety, self-discipline, self-control, responsibility, leadership and sportsmanship.
Post 113 offers this course to any boy or girl ages 8-18.  Classes are a few times per month, usually on Sunday evenings in the new North Cape Commons building next to Farmers Savings Bank from 3:30 - 5pm and 5 to 6:30pm.  There are no costs for the program; however donations are always welcome.
To be able to shoot participants are required to take the marksmanship portion of the course first.  This is the classroom portion of the course where participants learn about safety, components of the rifle and the different position we will be shooting in.
For more information contact Craig Mortvedt at or 608-444-8807